
Structure & History

  • Organization


  • Management team

    Management team

  • Development history

    Development history

  • Employee welfare measures

    Employee welfare measures

  • Group overview

    Group overview

  • Nano Group has been committed to environmental protection projects for a long time!

    knowledge base


    Nano Group has been committed to environmental protection projects for a long time!

    It coincides with the current development trend of ESG. The vacuum distillation equipment (NRS) is more economical than the traditional wastewater treatment system and can recycle a large amount of wastewater. The reuse and treatment of heavy metal sludge is consistent with the circular economy and reduces the carbon load of raw materials. The alkaline negative ion sparkling water washing method reduces water use and avoids wastewater discharge. Nano Group... is willing to share the carbon reduction performance of this technology/equipment with customers, and cooperates with suppliers


service items

Provide the most professional services

Nano Group continues to innovate, develop its core, continuously improve its competitiveness, gain the trust of shareholders and the expectations of society.

  • Nanoionic water sterilization technology

    Traditional disinfection and sterilization using hypochlorous acid is effective, but because it contains "chlorine", excessive inhalation can cause side effects on the human body. Nano-ionized water is made from medical-grade pure water and produced through special electrolysis technology.
  • Chemical-free washing system

    Nano-ion sparkling water is produced by our company's unique nano-ion water generation device, which mixes with hydrogen in the nano-gas generation device. The commercial name is "quantum sparkling water".
  • Reduced pressure and low boiling water separation technology

    In a closed system, the change system between the system pressure and the boiling point of water can be used to obtain a distillation operation (liquid-liquid) or a drying operation (liquid-solid) under reduced pressure and low boiling. The separated water can be recycled after cooling.