Member certification

Member certification

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Ching-Chao Huang
Nano Group Vice Chairman

Ching-Chao Huang

Work hard to provide a better living environment for mankind

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Jung-Lin Lin
Nano Group General Manager

Jung-Lin Lin

Practitioners in the chemical and environmental industries naturally attach great importance to climate change issues and the progress of ESG. Obtaining ISO 14064 and 14067 is the entry point for the transformation of consciousness into work, and the first step to implement ideals and enthusiasm. I hope to lead colleagues to influence myself, gradually move the supply chain, and give positive influence to the environment and ecology.

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Li-Lan Wu
Nano Group Chief Financial Officer

Li-Lan Wu

A word for each person

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Tzu-Yuan Liu
Nano Group Accounting Manager

Tzu-Yuan Liu

ESG represents the three aspects of environmental protection (Environment), social responsibility (Social) and corporate governance (Governance). We hope to promote the concept of ESG through the influence of enterprises and create a sustainable future and happy life.

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Ying-Tai Chen
Hongchao Environmental Protection Audit Manager

Ying-Tai Chen

ESG is the trend ~ and the future! No ESG, No Money!

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Yi-Hsiang Li
Nuokang Biomedical Engineer

Yi-Hsiang Li

Maybe you have heard of ESG sustainable development, but it is not just a popular term; for most companies, ESG has become a necessary measure to reduce risks, keep up with market trends and seize growth opportunities. The sooner they embrace ESG, the more likely they will be. This enables enterprises to respond to changes in market demand more quickly and move towards the goal of sustainable operations.

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Ji-Ying Huang
Nuokang Biomedical Engineer

Ji-Ying Huang

Systematically promoting and integrating ESG can enhance investor confidence, enhance customer trust, and enable self-examination of the implementation of sustainable management, and evaluate the company's own and external risks with longer-term and more rigorous thinking. to ensure the integrity of sustainable operations.

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Pin-Yu Chen
Nano Group Executive Director

Pin-Yu Chen

To implement ESG actions, companies can use their own power to ingrain important concepts such as environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance from the inside out and from top to bottom, and gradually change the company's internal culture, decision-making mechanism, and operating procedures. Starting from the original intention of protecting the environment and caring for society, we implement ESG actions step by step, thereby affecting other companies, groups, and individuals. We will continue to learn and use what we have learned and expand our influence to create a friendlier future for the company, the environment, society, ourselves and the next generation.

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Hui-Chun Chan
Nano Group Administrative Specialist

Hui-Chun Chan

When different industries and different enterprises operate, they will more or less cause resource waste or pollution to the earth. For example, carbon footprint emissions, waste water resources, air pollution, etc. As large "emitters", businesses can have a huge impact on the health of the planet if they can reduce their dependence on natural resources and reduce pollution. This is very important for contemporary society and will also affect our next generation in the future. At the same time, early implementation of environmentally sustainable management strategies can also help companies have greater adjustment flexibility and competitiveness in the coming era of energy scarcity.

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Tzu-Chieh Cheng
Nano Group Human Resources Specialist

Tzu-Chieh Cheng

Toward ESG business philosophy, integrate with international standards, and become a worker who brings "sustainable" value to land, society, and people.

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Hung-Ling Lin
Nano Group Legal Specialist

Hung-Ling Lin

To me, ESG is a comprehensive change in values. For companies, it encourages them to consider environmental, social and governance factors to improve sustainability and competitiveness; for investors, considering ESG factors can help them pursue long-term value and risk management. Generally speaking, ESG is not only a management and investment strategy, but also a value that advocates corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

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Shu-Yun Li
Nano Group Accounting Director

Shu-Yun Li

ESG is a performance indicator that measures a company's operations and is also an investment standard referenced by the market. It not only affects enterprises, but also changes the consumption patterns of the public. "Taking from society, using to society", consumers will expect companies to participate in social issues they care about, and are more willing to buy the products of these companies. Companies not only make money for shareholders, but also contribute to the sustainable development of society and the environment. Make a contribution and create a positive cycle of development between enterprises, investors and society.

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Tung-Haun Hsieh
Nano Group Accounting Director

Tung-Haun Hsieh

The ESG initiative is no longer limited to sustainability and carbon reduction, nor is it just an initiative. If you don’t want to be eliminated by the times, you must internalize the concept of ESG and transform it into momentum, business opportunities, and turning points for companies or individuals.

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Rou-Chun Chen
Nano Group Financial Specialist

Rou-Chun Chen

ESG is an important factor that companies consider in their business operations. It is not only a business strategy, but also a manifestation of value, representing the company's commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility. Through ESG, companies can achieve long-term sustainable operations and win more trust and support in the market.

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Yan-Rong Lai
Hongchao Environmental Protection Engineer

Yan-Rong Lai

In an era of treacherous and rapid climate change and environmental change, ESG has become a very important link that affects corporate operations. The implementation of ESG allows companies to better strengthen comprehensive risk control and long-term development planning, and establish the stability of various resources. sex, to achieve true sustainability. The distance from parents is a reminder of daddy and mommy; the distance from friends is a caring greeting; the distance from children’s laughter is an emphasis on ESG. Let corporate development and environmental sustainability complement each other, and let us develop sustainably with ESG at zero distance.